L.J. Holmes

L.J. Holmes
In her many Guises.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Death never comes at a comfortble time.

I've spoken to those who knew for years their loved one was dying, still when the actual passing comes,

their grief is as overwhelming and beyond anything they could have ever imagined preparing for. Those who are

blindsided without

warning, do they have it

harder, or perhaps

easier because of not being able to wallow in the prolonged

misery of watching a loved one fade from the grip they held upon life?

Is it easier to deal with the permenance of loss if you are young with the world ahead of you, or harder now that you know life in truly 

NOT infinite. 

Sara is 20 and entering that scary world of

higher education, when her mother

dies.  The days pass in the blur so many have spoken of. She hadn't understood their meaning, until now. 

The gravesight had nearly undone her, How she'd managed to keep that tenuous grip on her screams at the unfairness of this, she could never say.

She didn't see herself as strong, though everyone else bandied that word around in

hushed tones when she'd walk by.

Heroes are strong,

not a daughter this close to throwing herself to the ground and

 bawling like a baby.

They all say she needs

companionship...but in truth she wanted them to

leave. Only then would she let down that lest tendril of her guard and truly react to her



Alone in your grief, what if you learn your mother

is not the mother you knew her to be?

What if you find a treasure that opens up a place

in your self shocked to learn your mother possessed secrets,

secrets that change the core of the woman you called

Mom? How will you come to term with learning your mother had a

story long before the story that you inhabited

beside her?

The Forget Me Nots,

by multi-talented

Muse Publishing Author

Ginger Simpson is coming soon...okay soon is one month away in May 2011.

You cannot miss this new book in the ongoing treasures from the jewelbox of Ginger's creative talent.

In the meantime here's a direct link to Ginger's AUTHOR PAGE at Muse and her BOOKSTORE SALE PAGE for The Forget Me Nots.

And do not forget Delilah K. Stephans the Muse's very own

Cover Art Goddess is the genuis behind the amazing cover rendition for this exceptional book.

At Muse we are dedicated to excellence...so join us as we are...



Roseanne Dowell said...

As usual you do a great job. This is another on my to read list.

Barbara Ehrentreu said...

Lin, once again this is a fabulous cover blog. I'm adding this to my TBR list too. That list is getting too long!!!!

Arlene said...

Congrats to Ginger on a wonderful story premise, an exceptional cover, and what promises to be an unforgetable read. Looking forward to Forget Me Nots. Thanks for sharing this in such a lovely post, Lin.

Lin said...

Thank you all for your support of my little posts. It makes my heart swell to come in and find your comments. Especially now when so much outside of here is difficult. Coming in here and reading your words, cheers me up more than I can ever express.